Get Google AdSense Approval Fast within 24 Hours , Hello friends my name is Mohit from techs4best YouTube channel , In this post I will give you some tips and tricks for AdSense approval easily in just 24 hours .
Are you tired of getting low value content on your website when you apply for google AdSense after couple of weeks you will receive bad news from google that your site can not be ready to serve ads you need to fix some issue ,and the issue was mostly Low value content that everyone has faced .
In this post I discussed the mistakes from the website owners that are ignored by them and due to this AdSense gives rejection so read carefully this article I have mentioned the best methods for AdSense approval .

Create High Quality Human Content
In the modern technologies the Ai ( Chat GPT ) is introduced so people always use Ai to write content and save time for human write but google has very smart , google don’t like Ai content in their platform so you have to use human written content don’t use Ai because human written articles are more meaningful and simple compared to Ai . Chat GPT always gives you the robot generated articles that will never rank on google first page because Ai content is robotic .
So my words is if you are not depend on Ai and use human brain to write articles then you will definitely get AdSense approve within 1 week . So follow this step to get Google AdSense approval Fast .
Use Lightweight Theme For AdSense Approval
Google always give approval on those websites that are best in the speed and the site is lightweight . Site Theme plays a most important role in getting AdSense approval if users comes from search result to your websites lets see that your website is taking longer time to open then the user will bounced back and it gives negative result on your website so that’s why google said that always use light weight theme for speed and ranking.
Lightweight theme always improve your site speed and rankings and bring organic viewers to your website this will getting chances of getting AdSense approval .
If you want to customize your site using light weight theme then watch this video tutorial and don’t forget to subscribe my YouTube channel .
Let us take an example if a website has best content but the theme is not AdSense friendly and not light weight then AdSense never approve your website so always use light weight themes for your website , Below I have gave some WordPress themes that you can install in your website and get AdSense approval .
- Bimber Theme
- Generatepress Theme
- Astra Theme
These are the best AdSense friendly themes that you will help in getting AdSense approval .
Generate Organic Traffic From Google Ads
You have seen many peoples that they run campaign for the organic traffic so you have to bring organic traffic from the google ads by promoting your sites into the ads . If you don’t know how to set up google ads for successful campaign then watch the tutorials on the YouTube there are lots of videos that are help you in the promoting your website for organic traffic .
After you notice organic traffic in the google search console comes from the ads then do some SEO for ranking your site on google this is the positive sign of getting AdSense approval .
Connect your site to all search engines
Most of the users only connect their site to Search console only but you have to connect your site to all other webmaster tools that are listed below.
- Google Search Console
- Bing Webmaster Tool
- Yandex Webmaster
- Yahoo Webmaster Tool
In the Google search console you have to check the all the pages are indexed and all the categories ,posts also indexed . Correct your no indexed errors,404 error, AMP issues so please fix all these issues before applying for AdSense.

You will see this type error in your search console dashboard then index all the crawled posts ,pages immediately then check after 48 hours you will se these error are fixed then you are ready for applying for google AdSense.
Article Length & Minimum Posts for Google AdSense
You need at least 25 articles in your website and all have interlinked to each other and all are optimized and images are not copyright always use copyright free images this will impact our website score . You have to write your article at least 600-800 words of 100 % human written .
So talk about the categories , you need to create at least 4 categories and all are having different posts make sure not to repeat the same post in the other categories still if you are confusing then follow this video for more information .
This video helps you to create categories that how you can create categories for your website related to your articles so watch this video carefully and follow the steps mentioned in the video .
Low Value Content – Fix
Make sure your articles are meaningful to the viewers and knowledgeable and must contain human language not contain Ai language otherwise you will get low value content from the Google AdSense Team.
If you still getting low value content then you have to hire a professional content writer for AdSense approval .